GSCA National Specialty 2001 - Our Site
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Hosted by the Brandywine Gordon Setter Club
True to form, we parked as
far away from the ring as possible, but yet found a wonderful spot to park
the RV in the back of the hotel. There
were wonderful pine trees and a light pole.
We even came decked out with mum plants and a US Flag that we hung
out for the entire week. Marte Wetzel, Connie Rhoden and Dawn
Mozgawa were in the back building near the “park.”
On one of the evenings.... we had a cook-out and picnic as the
weather was awesome. So in
the tradition of Badgerland Gordon Setter Club parties we had a great time
complete with hamburgers on the grill and the bug buckets surrounding the
area. It brought back
memories of our Mosinee campout from this past summer!!