CH. Timbaray's Dangerous Liaison, CD, JH - "Devlin"
(CH. Scimitar's Ultimate Danger  x CH. Timbaray's Scotic Mystique, CD, JH)

Breeder:  Barbara Meining, DVM
Owner: Barbara Meining, DVM and Sally Walker, LVT

Devlin has won several specialty awards including WD at the 1998 GSCA National Specialty in Rhode Island under Mrs. Constance Barton.  Devlin is being actively campaigned now as a special.  He is currently in the top #20 Gordons and is shown here winning a Group placement.

Devlin wins Best of Opposite Sex at the Miami Valley Gordon Setter Specialty held on Saturday, May 12, 2001.  Judge:  Mrs. Jane Forsyth.  Devlin also wins Best of Breed at the Miami Valley Gordon Setter Specialty on November 17, 2001.   Devlin sired a litter we co-bred with Judy Browne (Titan) out of Ch. O'Eire Titan Encore o' Amethyst which was whelped on June 16, 2001.

Photo courtsey of Barbara Meining, DVM.   Photographer unknown.